Beyond Everest
The events of this spring are still with me, and each day this spring my mind would wander to where I was expecting to be around that time. In fact, I was planning on returning from the trip a just few days ago. I took some much needed time for reflection and finally got back to the mountains. Our research group spent a week doing fieldwork together in Wyoming, after which I stuck around the Tetons to do some climbing with my old friend Mike. We did a few alpine classics, an alpine not-so-classic sufferfest, and a day of sport climbing on spectacular conglomerate in Maple Canyon, Utah.
This summer, I'll be going on some spectacular adventures, lesser than Everest only in elevation. They will be in wild places. They will be shared with good friends. And they will be awesome. Since I hardly got to show any climbing with the Everest video series, here's the first installment of this summer's stories...